Jul 25, 2008

Never Ending Rush Hour

I was reading Rawia's blog,and i found my self telling her "some day soon,you'll look at this time you were feeling this way as a shadow of another girl's dreams of trust me . "

I think that is how i felt after i accomplished a little of what i wanted,and it feels great,its just like when you wait long for a taxi cab in a hot summer day at rush hour,you wait and wait and you feel dizzy,you wait longer and start thinking should i walk a little bit further straight ahead i might catch a cab there,or should i move a bit backwards,and then you start feeling your feet hurt,you suddenly become aware of all your body parts,because they're sore and hurt now ,and then your forehead starts to sweat, you lean a little bit on your left leg and then you switch to the other leg and now whatever that you're holding in your hands starts to feel much heavier and you keep looking at your watch and minutes feel like hours and then you start noticing more things you didn't notice before,you start to think of how -unawarely- lucky these people in their cars with the windows rolled up and the AC playing with their hair,you then realize that while you were in a car you never gave a thought about those waiting on the side walk,now you might be a bit angry after an hour waiting and the side walk is now filled with many people lining up to catch a cab just like you, and then you think "how on Earth am I gonna catch one with all those people here!" and you're now more angry and more tired and you start to rant and your eyebrows crossed and you're nervous and comes someone ask you "what time is it" and you don't know why you feel like punching him in the face !!
Suddenly,a cab drops off someone right in front of you and you jump into the cab,once you're there,couple of meters away,ALL those feelings of tiredness,anger,envy,and feeling sorry for yourself and the other 50 people waiting for a cab goes away !your eyebrows are back to their normal shape and you enjoy the ride,by the time you get to your destination ,you totally forgot about the agony of how you got there,couple of days later,and this whole experience would seem to be so old and you won't relate to it as if it was shadows of another man's dream !
that's how life goes i believe,I now -happily- have a lot of shadows of another man's dreams in my head,they're almost gone with their problems and shitty situations .and it feels great.
so keep doing what you're doing until you reach there and feel good about it.its awesome.


Anonymous said...

Hehehe I love how you describe all the details, so very true

Keep doing what you are doing then ... Happy for you :)

NasEr said...

glad you liked it Halah :D

Big Pearls said...

It's the first time I get to your blog..find it quite interesting;)

NasEr said...

welcome pearls
glad you liked it ,share your thoughts on wut interests u of entries.
i've noticed ur comments on too many blogs i thought i'd check it eventually :) its nice :).

Rawia said...

I like your detalis man .. kano wa2fiy ma3ak wa sheftak.. :D. do you knwo what get a bike and your probelm is solved :P.. ey man since last time I wrote my note my "tomorrow" was great :)... good you got one be ala5eer :P...

NasEr said...

LOL Rawia,get a bike,okay smart mouth,I won't be inspired by you ever every again :k:
glad you felt it with me :D

Rawia said...

lakan elak buy runshoes :P

Thanks :)..

Manutdfanatic said...

Loved the post.

NasEr said...

hello manutdfanatic ,welcome aboard ,thx for reading ! the post loves you back :D

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