Jan 24, 2009

So Waltz With Bashir , Israeli Movie about a massacare

Heard of it ? It wont a golden globe the other day ,Its an Israeli movie about an Israeli soldier who lost memories from the Sabra and Shatella massacre and Beirut invasion and tries to revive what happened along the movie , animation movie,really finely done ,the story was fine ,nothing to complain about ,the movie's title (Waltz with Bashir) came from a scene where an Israeli soldier during Beirut invasion after Bashir Jmayel was killed goes into hestiric shooting rampage and appears to be dancing the waltz with Bashir Jmayyel's big poster on a building behind him at that junction . Its a shame that Israelis had made a movie of this quality and credibility about Sabra n Shatella and Arabs didn't ! ... but that's not what this is about exactly .

So i have a new hobby ! making Arabic subtitles for TV series and movies, (The Big Bang Theory,The Office, Movies : Che Part One and Waltz With Bashir) and after the two movies, the biggest Arab translators on-line community (DVD4ARAB) invited me to their website n stuff and turned out the subs are fine and my Public school English teacher should be proud of me.

Here is what I'd like to pick your brains about, some of the comments i received there ,some of the opinions that says we shouldn't watch the movie ,because its an Israeli one ,Qathara (dirt,crap) and a waste of time !! and "Do you really believe the Israelis will make a movie that condemns them?" and such...

The problem is that those people didn't even watch the movie ! I don't understand the idea, I mean we've always seen and heard it,where some kind of boycott to some kind of art took place without even knowing what is it about,but i never understood it .Do you ??

And then here is another question , do you deal with art as art and thats it ? or where it came from matters ? don't think movies only, lets say music,poetry ,would you not listen to something made by an Israeli ? or whoever "the bad guys" to you are ? wouldn't you at least check it out to see what the hell are they talking about ?

Jan 22, 2009

A story about nothing and running cellphones

He woke up late in the afternoon thinking : do i have enough cigarettes to go with the coffee? , yawned and took another 10 minutes of sleep . got out of bed like a drunk, had a look at himself in the mirror ,messed up his hair a little bit more ,hit the shower to discover that his roommate used all the shampoo and of course did not even care to tell him so,he cursed and dried up ,the water is now ready for breakfast ,a big mug of coffee with 3 or 4 cigarettes ,when he realized there was no coffee cream anymore,he cursed again ,but made his coffee still .

He searches for his cell phone ,found it on the floor ,dead .he yelled "NO",he brushed away its' screen ,begging it to switch on , "oh my cell phone oh my cell phone" he thought, he just realized how important his cell phone to him .never appreciated it before ,it eventually started and tested their relationship in the most expected way, the cell phone asked him to enter the PIN code !! of course he never used the pin code but once,a little more than a year ago !he never cared to memorize it,he never thought of it ,and now its time to pay back !he tried the 1st combination ,didn't work,tried another combination ,and was left with the final attempt . he sat there thinking of it,trying to remember it,but luck wasn't exactly his ally that morning ! he realized, that his cell phone has been working non-stop for an entire year,not one restart,not one break,none ,and it finally wore out,just...collapsed !

Jan 19, 2009

Arabic 101 for leaders

So they rule until they die ,they're supposedly Muslims,also -supposedly- they have read the Quraan so many times, they're called Arab leaders .

How come they speak so goddamn broken Arabic ? If you watched TV enough you'll speak better Arabic !!! what is this :/ ? most of them reminds me of the low-self-esteemed guy who had to do a presentation in Arabic 101 back at the university and ended up stuttering and sweating and you could feel the heat coming out his red face ,but those are just pale ,must be the AC !

So i want to adopt a child from Gaza,what do i do ?

How is it possible to adopt a child form Palestine ? what can be done ?

If someone has information on what needs to be done if (i) was in the UK precisely that would be much appreciated too. But if you can help me with any sort of answer whether from religion's point of view (and please don't give me something like : i think,i heard,i guess) ,or a legal point of view that'll be great as well.

Please if you don't know the answer and know someone that might have send him this post link or just ask your friends see what happens,post this on facebook or ask someone you know who lives there ,you might end up helping a child in the process .

PS : The aim is to adopt a child from Palestine,from Gaza or the West Bank, I'm not sure if the regulation will be any different ,but i thought I'd mention it.

Jan 15, 2009

!قلم رصاص...إنفطع

مرّة أخرى عزيزي المشاهد العربي
ننصحك بمتابعة برامجنا الموجّهة القيمة التي تنبع من فهمنا لطبيعة احتباجاتك
و مسلسلاتنا ذات الأربع آلاف حلقة
التي تعود عليك و على أفراد أسرتك بالنفع و الفائدة العظيمة
حمدي قنديل و من على شاكلته و قلم رصاص و ما شابهه من برامج مضرة بالصحة و تسبب أمراض القلب و الضعف الجنسي
و لذى و جب استئصاله
مع خالص حبي و تقديري
رئيس لجنة الرقابة و الصحة العامة العربية
كاتم بن خارس المعارفة
هل ممكن يكون الفيديو السبب ؟ كان من المقترض أن يعود البرنامج للعرض في التاسع عشر من كانون ثاني 12
و من ثم بقدرة قادر...نسمع حمدي قنيل يقول التالي على الفضائية اللبنانية


Jan 14, 2009

WTF is going on in Amman ???

So there are people giving aid and handouts, there is a company willing to ship it for free ,and there isn't enough Jordanian people to stack the boxes ??? WHAT DA FUCK is happening in Amman ?????????????????

here is the ad below,and here is a MAP ,so far 3 messages (for 3 days) asking for volunteers came in .if you can't go just post this page on facebook or write a note or email it or mention it or go back to sleep .
Note before you read : if you don't have a car,Ali just posted this :

To make it easier for people, we are meeting in front of Cozmo / Smart Buy at 6PM Wednesday and Thursday and we will do car pooling for people who do not have cars.

The Ads :
Dear friends,

During our 48-hour campaign, over 400 volunteers showed up throughout four days to help sort and package the donations that we received. Since then, many of you have been waiting for another opportunity to pitch in and do your part to help the people in Gaza once more.

Starting tomorrow, Sunday January 11th, we will be organizing volunteer drives to the Aramex warehouse in Al-Qastal, everyday, between 3pm and 9pm, until the job is done. There are a lot of donations to sort and package and we need as many hardworking volunteers as possible. We will be packaging these donations in family packages that would last a family for one whole week.

So get your friends together, get in a car, and follow the map posted on 7iber.com! here is the link


Action committee and 7iber crew will be there, and don't forget to spread the word as much as possible! for more information please call this number:

نحتاج الى متطوعين للمساعدة في تغليف الغذاء لبعثه الى غزةØ


خلال حملتنا السابقة، أكثر من 400 متطوع جاءوا لتقديم يد العون في الترتيب و تغليف المساعدات التي جمعناها. منذ ذلك الحين الكثير منكم كانوا ينتظرون فرصة أخرى للقيام بدوركم بمساعدة الأهل في غزة. ها قد حانت الفرصة.
بداية من الأحد 11\1\2009، سنبدأ بتنظيم حملات متطوعين الى مستودع ارامكس في القصطل. كل يوم ما بين الساعة 3 بعد الظهر و 9 مساء حتى يتم انجاز المهمة.

هناك الكثير من المساعدات التي وصلتنا، و نحتاج الى اكبر عدد من الأيادي لمساعدتنا. لذلك اجمعوا اصدقاؤكم، و اركبوا في سياراتكم و اتبعوا الخريطة الموجودة على


سيكون فريق لجنة العمل و حبر هناك, و انشروا الخبر! للمزيد من المعلومات الرجاء الإتصال على الرقم التالي
