Nov 29, 2009

على جفرا السلام

و أتحدث هنا عن مقهى جفرا في وسط البلد، كان الزمان وكان في مقهى جديد إسمو جفرا بوسط البلد، مكان هادئ ولطيف و"غير"، وعلى حائطه وأنت تصعد الدرج لتدخله خارطة الوطن العربي باللون الأسود وعلى جدرانه من الداخل بعض كاركتيرات لناجي العلي وصور بالأبيض والأسود لأعلام عرفت منهم البعض وشعرت بالسوء لعدم معرفتي بباقيهم، وكانت دائماً فيروز ودائماً ماجدة الرومي ودائماٌ تلك الموسيقى التي تقصدها عبارة "الموسيقى غذاء الروح" متواجدة، وأحياناً كانت هناك قراءات شعرية أذكر منها أمسية جميلة للوركا بالإيطالية وبالتزامن لوركا بالعربية...و يعني... كنت دائماً أستخدم هذا المكان كدلالة على أنّ أيّ مكان يُفرز رواده بدون داع لتعليق ملصقات مثل "للعائلات فقط" أو غيرها من "القوانين" المتخلفة التي تفرضها إدارات المقاهي والمجمعات التجارية في عمّان لتضبط زوارها. 
اليوم رحت على جفرا مع صديقي حوالي العاشرة ليلاً عشان "نروّق"! كونه الناس بالشوارع زي النمل وعمّان صاخبة في هذه الأيام... ويا ريتنا ما رحنا !!! سمّة بدن من الطراز الرفيع ! يعني بتفهّم إنو مكان ما يتحوّل لمكان "تجاري بحت" كونه أولاً وأخيراُ مكان هدفه ربحي بس مش هيك ! المشهد فعلاً كان سمّة بدن، دوشة ومجموعات من الشباب و -المصيبة- العائلات اللي جالسين كأنهم في نادي ليلي (مع إني ما دخلت نوادي ليلية بعمان بس بتخيلها هيك) أو خلينا نحكي زي هالمحلات "العائلية" اللي أنا بصنفها "سيمي نادي ليلي" نص نص يعني، الأخ الفنان بعزف عالعود...صوت العود مبدأياً ما كان حلو،بس مش مشكلة عادي، بغنّي أغاني شغل حفلات ...مش عارف كيف أوصفها ... المفروض إنها أغاني أصيلة وطرب والخ ، بس لا الطريقة اللي تغنّت فيها كان فيها أصل ولا يحزنون، يمكن تأثراً بموسم الذبايح قام الأخ "الفنّان" بنحر مجموعة الأغاني هاي تقرّباً للجمهور ،وقد فعل الصراحة ، الجمهور عاوز كده 100% ، هيك جمهور بدو هيك فنّان الصراحة، اللي بغنّي بصوت عالي مع الأخ الفنان واللي بأشرلو "روح روح روح أيواااا" واللي كمشة شباب بتمايلو (على أساس برقصو بس و همي قاعدين) زي كأنهم بالكرسي الأخير برحلة المدرسة، وخود لمّا الأخ الفنان يصدح بصوته الصداح آخر كلمة من الأغنية ويفيع، خود الجمهور السمّيع كيف بتفاعل معو...طعّة وقايمة! لا و "عيدها عيدها" ويعني إشي مُفرح للغاية! أنا ما كنتش مصدق عيوني...مش طبيعي ! اللي بجلطك إنو الأخ الفنان قاعد بغني على منصة وفوق منه صورة لمارسيل خليفة كأنّه يتحدث مع عوده، وفوقها صورة سيد مكاوي، يعني وكأنّو القائمين على المكان بحكولك "معلش...شو ما شفت هون مش مشكلة لا تفكر إنو إحنا خطنا كتير بعيد عن هدول الناس! إنتا يمكن فاهم غلط" ، فعلاً حسيت بإهانة لهدول الناس اللي صورها معلقة على الجدران يكونو في مثل هيك جو...إشي مهزلة! 
و وقف الأخ الفنان ياخد إستراحة... وإذ بنا نسمع تميم البرغوثي يُلقي قصيدة "في القدس" على أنغام "زهرة المدائن" للسيدة فيروز... هذا بين الشوطين!!! أي إسفاف وأي استخفاف فينا وبهدول الناس، طب يا أخي الليلة عيد والناس كل من هبّ ودبّ جايين عندكو وبدكو تبسطو هالأمّة التافهة ماشي !بس ليش تهين ناس تانيين مش طالبين منكم ولا من جمهوركم المبجل إنكم تسمعوهم أصلاً ليش ؟ انتهت القصيدة واعتقدت إنها رح تحظى بتصفيق أقل حماسة من التصفيق ل"ميّل يا غزيّل" بس كنت غلطان...ولا كأنو حدا سمع إشي، عادي جداً ! ورجع الأخ الفنان ورجع ذبح وسلخ بكل الأغاني اللي بتخطر على بالك وكانت ليلة ولا كل الليالي !
أنا مرّة زماااان سمعت رأي شخص (أثق برأيه عادة لكني خالفته في تلك النقطة) بمقهى جفرا إنو "استنى عليه شوي وشوف كيف رح يصير" بس لسبب ما كنت مؤمن إنو هالمكان رح تضل إلو خصوصيته ! لكن طلع كلامه صح...على جفرا السلام.

Nov 27, 2009

What's with the fitting rooms without locks :/ ?

Is this the new cool thing ? changing at some shops in Amman you're gonna need a friend to "look out" for you.. really ? I never thought in a million years that I'll have flashbacks from going to the bathroom in my public school as a kid when I got into that fitting room at that fancy store ,LOL, I mean I've been to other fitting rooms with no locks but it was because the store didn't really have a fitting room,it was some kind of on-the-spot arrangement, but those were official fitting rooms :D ! oh and they have a note that I believe missing a line at the end .... this is the note

and this is the missing sentence "especially of your privacy/ وبالتحديد خصوصيتكم" ! at the end !!
I wonder if the girls fitting rooms are the same way ! are they ?

Anyway, Happy Eid and holidays to all,I'm really sorry for the belated replies on previous posts,I still didn't get a much needed balance with the new "job" and all,the other day I noticed I haven't read in any book for over 2 weeks!

Have a blast everybody ! take it easy on Ma'moul and coffee

Nov 20, 2009

Sharq wins the pot with full-house

The best weekend I had in long time, I attended Sharq's Bayna-Bayn Album launching concert today, these guys... you never get bored listening to their songs, let alone watching them perform ! I don't know is it because I've been watching them progress since their 1st concert at Mohtaraf Remal 3 years ago, or is it because I memorized their songs by heart after listening to them countless times when I was in Thailand, or maybe because some of the band's members are long time friends, but I find them magical, unbelievable ,FREAKS (in a good sense), I mean,If you watch them live and you don't get goosebumps couple of times at least I'd like to think that you're physically incapable of feeling, even If you don't understand the language, anyway If you haven't heard of Sharq before, they're a bunch of insanely young talented musicians and artists, they're different, they're not mainstream shit, what I found particularly shocking at this last concert, is that -and maybe with their loyal audience only-, they managed to make us enjoy just listening to a whole piece of music without any lyrics, appreciate how wonderfully it was done, and applaud it for a good long while after its done, I was happy to see THE WHOLE fully seated two stories Hussien Cultural Centre enjoying every song/piece from start to end. It was just a great night !
Bayna-Bayn,their CD (produced by Eka3) is now out, I like the CD art,the Cover and inside design ,It fits the band well.
I've uploaded couple of Sharq's songs recorded from a live concert over a year ago, I'll copy two of my favs here to have a taste of Sharq,they do their original music and they do covers of Folkloric songs with rearrangement and intros of their own ,the CD has couple of more new tracks I don't have uploaded in this post,where I also posted couple of songs of another local band I love (but they don't exist anymore :/ )..

I'll actually post three, two original's and one cover (Yamo), check the rest in the older post if you wish.

Kamaqaber el shohada2 (lyrics by Mahmoud Darwish,Composed by Tareq AlJundi,Vocals by Lara Elayan) 

Yamo (lyrics by Duraid Laham,Vocals by Lara Elayan,Mohannad Atallah) 

Baina Bain (Composed by Tareq Al Jundi)

The band has expanded ever since these tracks were recorded, They now have Tareq Jundi (Oud),Ala'a Takrouri (Flute), Yarob Smirat (Violin) ,Khaled Bal'awi (Cello), Maen Elsayyed (Percussion), Nasser Salameh (Percussion), Lara Elayan (Vocals), Mohannad Atallah (Vocals), and the newest member introduced today plays the Qanoun!.
make sure to check their facebook page and befan them!


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Nov 15, 2009

3 memorable events of the past 4 days

1 - The 5th anniversary of Abu Ammar's departure (11/11)
2- The late King Hussien's birth date (14/11)
3- The fact that I didn't - personally - hear about either of the previous from anyone I've been around for the past couple of days ...because of a football match frenzy .

comes to my mind a part of Darwish's في مديح الظل العالي in this awfully refreshing reality ..with a little adjustment

يا خالقي في هذه الساعات من عدم... تجلّى
لعلّ لي رباً لأعبده...لعلّ 
علمتني الأسماء... لولا
هذه *الأمّة اللقيطة ما كانت **بيروت ثكلى

في القصيدة الأصلية "الدول" و ليس "الأمة"0*
 استبدل "بيروت" بأي مدينة عربية تراها مناسبة**

Nov 14, 2009

a77a! where the hell is the Middle East,Larry King ?!

Better late than never ,that's what I told myself when I noticed the missing Middle East watching the show today!
Why isn't the middle east on Larry King's background map of the world  ? Anybody knows ?

Nov 13, 2009

2012 , The trailer is more than enough

If you're going to the 11:15 PM show and you were a little late, don't worry, you didn't miss a thing ,if you were 15 minutes late, don't worry, still you didn't miss a thing ,let me make it shorter for you, up until the intermission time one hour in you still didn't miss a thing, seriously, they could have just cut half of the cost by releasing only half of this epic…failure !
So there is a lot of destruction scenes , 70% of which you've already seen in the trailer , I actually enjoyed the trailer more than the movie as a whole ! I'm not a graphic expert but I thought I'm gonna be blown away with the visuals from what I heard ,why didn't I ?

Content wise, it’s the kind of lame storyline you expect to see in such movies, so let me highlight couple of  points that caught my eye :

- Arabs are still portrayed as desert people ,I mean a Khaleeji Sheikh won't receive you at his residence sitting on some kind of a fancy bean bag ! I promise ,these people are so rich they probably have the latest designer furniture ,enough with that image its not funny anymore ! I am also sure they can tell the difference between these two signs ($,€) !

- I couldn't help but noticing the amount of African American heroes in this movie , in all movies and series actually, I don't know is it just me or am I paying more attention to that since Obama ? Speaking of which , Mr Nice President as portrayed in the (character wise) wouldn't stand a chance against Hillary Clinton or McCain for that matter ,a little bit too sugary don't you think ?

- Human and social justice eventually prevailed (on the hands of another African American hero) by allowing couple of laborers and hundreds of billionaires to come on board and be rescued after each bought his one billion Euro ticket and was given the secret location ,but then denied getting on board … awww…those -poor- people ,my heart ached over the idea of letting them drawn too !

I am not a big sci fi fan really, sleeping during watching Transformers I at the theater supports this theory , the real highlight of this movie to me was after the intermission ,where I found a long time friend outside, chatted for a bit and when we were seated again I –and him- realized that we were sitting next to each other the whole time ,but I didn't notice cuz I was making fun of nearly every scene talking to my other friend on my left side !

Anyway ,If you want to go see it, or any other movie at any given day ,I have a general advice, go to the midnight shows ,so if the movie sucked you still get the next best thing ,the post-midnight drive home in sweet ,beautiful and quite Amman ,drive slowly and tune in to some nice radio ,that'll make up to anything else ,always does.

Nov 9, 2009

10 reasons why I hate Twitter!

10) The name is just stupid? People don't "tweet" nor do birds Speak!

9) Keeping up with it feels like running a marathon ,you keep running but you're not quite there yet!...ever!

8) you can't really talk about it with anyone who is not on it!and the chances you come across a twitterje/yyeh among your friends,family or colleagues in Jordan are similar to the chances I had in Thailand in finding someone who knew "where Jordan is" without a reference to Israel,Dubai,Saudi,or Iraq! 

7) I don't understand what's up with the "#" thing ! I just act like I do ! and my ignorance is never my problem!

6) You have so many people following you who never really follow you,you have so many people you follow who you never follow ! Yup,as If your imaginary "friends" on facebook weren't enough!

5) It sounds funny in Arabic : تويـتَر! I can almost hear the Egyptian worker downtown shouting repeatedly to sell his tweets; تِويتَر ضِد الويتَر ! Don't ask me what that means ! I just keep hearing it whenever someone mention توييييتر!ahhhh shut up, voices in my head!!!

4) It is stealing bloggers away !!People are now tweeting what could've been a good blogpost! and if you are a blogger and your 1st reaction to this is "NO NO NO!EH" I'd like you to repeat the following loudly : hello,my name is (your name) and I'm a twittiholic! denial is the hardest to overcome, the rest will be a smooth sailing!get well soon ya'll!

3) I'll only get a handful of comments max on this post! cuz ppl have no idea what the hell I'm talking about :/ (see; The 1st Twittered Lecture @JU)!

2) writing this post was interrupted several times due to twittering that I'm blogging about why I hate twitter!!!!

1) given the previous points, I'm still on Twitter  and I love it :/ go figure !

Nov 3, 2009

Where I Have Been

In the spirit of my new "job" ! I've been ,,,

Buried under work having a lot of fun !

I miss doing this actually ! hope you're all doing fine ! I have to thank whoever posted the "don't dos at 1st day at work" some time ago ; Twittering and updating facebook (even though its not accessible except from your phone via  some random WLAN around)  was tempting ! and I'm not blogging anything about work either . oh but my cell phone's alarm tone (nostalgia !) Isn't getting to me anymore , I need to get myself one of those annoying 1/2 JD alarms ,the kind we used to bring to school to mess with teachers . BRB :p